Hello September 2017!

september sunflowersIt is hard to believe that summer is winding down. Many of you have children who have already headed back to school, and others will start back after Labor Day weekend. How did the summer fly by? At our house it has included some very special family members moving in with us! My oldest daughter, her daughter, and my granddaughter’s new baby all moved in with us during the summer. You never know what kind of a curve ball life is going to throw your way, and life can sure be interesting. So, during this phase of their move to Texas, we are fortunate to have a place in our home to make it all work!

Having a new little one in our family has been a reminder of making sure we have a great plan in place to keep our photos safe. Do you have a plan in place? I have alway worked to make sure that my photos are backed up in several places, and urge others to do so, too. Now I have a great way to help you do that, too! FOREVER is a company devoted to helping people keep their most precious photos safe. I will be telling you more about what FOREVER has to offer, and how to use it. Besides saving photos, I’ll also have a great way to offer you digital scrapbooking again! Lots of fun info will be coming soon!

Also, I’ll be announcing new CTMH Scrapbook Club kits this next week.

For now, I just wanted to pop in and say “Hello” and wish you a happy holiday weekend.

For many of those in Texas, who are suffering from the effects of Hurricane Harvey, our thoughts and prayers go out to them, and many of us are working in relief efforts in ways we can. Please consider donating to reputable charities to help. If you are in Texas, please check out volunteer opportunities!

Until next time,