Reusable Gift Bags

Nobody enjoys a beautifully wrapped gift more than I do!  At times, my family become very irritated with me  inflicting that on their lives. When Christmas comes, I want packages to look like we gave some thought and care into not only selecting the gifts but in the presentation as well.  One of my dearest friends told me about a store in a little town she had often been in. They took great care in the wrapping of any gifts and had a signature look. If you received a gift from there, it seemed marvelous before you ever opened it, because of the lovely presentation. That is the way I like to think of gifting! It’s enjoyed before it is ever opened.

Kitchen towel turned into reusable gift bag!

Kitchen towel turned into reusable gift bag!

Yet, here’s the rub. Holiday after holiday there is an enormous amount of paper that goes to the trash. It seems like such a waste. I have often thought about using something which would be reusable; not for saving money, but to limit my part in contributing to landfills.

When one of my daughters mentioned something along these lines, I jumped at the chance to finally get going on  the idea of reusable wrapping. Several days after Christmas she called and told me she had found a store getting rid of Christmas fabric for 99 cents a yard. She went home with 30 yards of fabric, and no idea what to do.  We decided we would make some kind of bags, but had no clue as to what sizes we wanted to make. I searched online to see if I could find any ideas for good sizes, but only found small bags. Sizes and styles were still undetermined.

A kitchen towel made a great sized bag

A kitchen towel made a great sized bag!

We had decided to have our family holiday late, and it gave me the opportunity to try something out! I had purchased some colored holiday dish towels for some projects that never got done. I decided to fold one in half and it looked like a descent size! I stitched a hem along the top edge to run ribbon through, stitched the sides, ran the ribbon and I was done. This actually turned out to be the perfect size for several gifts I had. Several bags later, I was done with my “wrapping.”  I admit there was a learning curve, and sewing over the existing hems on the towels was a challenge. By the time I had enough to use, I had come up with several tricks.

Instead of a bunch of individually wrapped gifts, there were usually several little gifts inside one bag. We wondered if the lack of individual gifts would detract from the overall feel of gift opening. It did not!  Cleanup was a breeze, and we are ready to make more sizes, colors and styles!  The bonus — for those who lack the best fine motor skills, it allows them to easily wrap their gifts!

If you are interested, let me know. We can talk more about this!

Cheers to YOUR Artful Adventures!



Summer 2018 Update

It has been a busy summer! We started off on Memorial Day weekend joining a group of Young Marines as they placed flags at the headstones at one of our national cemeteries. It was touching to see many who were there to honor loved ones, and who graciously joined in. What a picturesque outcome.

Liberty and freedom with a cost to many.

Liberty and freedom with a cost to many.

A one year old birthday party for our great grandchild, and a belated birthday party for another grandchild took us to Colorado.

One year old! Where has the time gone!

One year old! Where has the time gone!

We went to Colorado via New Mexico and went through Santa Fe and Taos, which was an enjoyable drive. My husband had never been that way, and it was a welcome change from the normal drive through the northwest part of Texas. In Santa Fe, I enjoyed shopping at the Governor’s Palace. Palace is a relative term! It is always an amazing experience shopping directly from artisans. The Native Americans at the Governor’s Palace never dissappoint with their available goods.

Native American artisans selling at the Governor's Palace in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Native American artisans selling at the Governor’s Palace in Santa Fe, New Mexico

One particular woman told me she was 85 and lives in Arizona. She only goes to Santa Fe during summer months, as she finds the other months too cold for her liking. She works on her jewelry items all winter, and brings them to Santa Fe during the summer. I actually bought more than one piece from her. It was fun to visit with each of the artisans whose work I was interested in.

We went to Dodge City, Kansas to meet up with one of our daughters to return a grandchild who had come home with us for a few weeks. We visited the Boot Hill Museum, and enjoyed learning more about Dodge City and its history. One thing I was surprised to find was the fact they had so many brick-paved streets! That was quite a surprise. Who would have thought that the famous Dodge City western town had so many paved streets! For any of you who have ever watched Gunsmoke, you may appreciate these photos.

Long Branch Saloon in Dodge City, Kansas.

Long Branch Saloon in Dodge City, Kansas.

Show at the saloon.

Show at the saloon.

I was back in Colorado again for a grandchild’s graduation and our annual ScrapHappy reunion to meet up with some of my online scrapbook friends. This was my sixth year to meet up with them. I would have never imagined the fun it would be to make such long lasting relationships with likeminded strangers I originally met online. You can check out the ScrapHappy group and see if you’d like to join us!

Scrap Happy Reunion 2018

Scrap Happy Reunion 2018

There was also a first time visit to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to attend the annual FOREVER conference, where FOREVER’s home office is located. It was complete with a dinner and 80’s party. It was so much fun seeing people’s ’80’s costumes! FOREVER logoUsing FOREVER, we were able to make a collaborative album, giving all attendees the ability to upload their best photos, and share them! (We had also made a collaborative album for our ScrapHappy event and shared photos. I have to say, I have more photos of myself participating in an event than I have had of any other event! Certainly many of you know what I am talking about!) Many of you will remember how I dressed in the 80s, and this was not it!

Who doesn't like an 80s party

Who doesn’t like an 80s party?

As for the city of Pittsburgh, I may have to go back and explore the area again. I am truly impressed by the mission, passion, and integrity of FOREVER. Protecting people’s memories and their stories for the future is such an important thing in this digital era. If you have any questions about FOREVER, let me know!

I was back at “the farm” in Colorado in time to see 3 new baby goats, and 9 new baby pigs. There is pure chaos there! Pure chaos! However, there are quiet moments.

Quiet moments at the farm. One baby loving another.

Quiet moments at the farm. One baby loving another.

A summer update would not be complete without including the great 2018 lawn! When we first moved to Texas, we were advised that there was no need to water our lawn as it would green up at the first rain. I highly doubted this information, but considering the source (who shall remain nameless to protect the not-so-innocent) my husband decided to give this method whirl. One dead lawn later, we tried to reseed the next year. As soon as it seemed to be doing well, it rained, and rained, and rained some more. It drowned the young grass, covered it with dirt, and then washed more dirt away. This year, summer # 3, we found out that the kind of grass needed there, can NOT be seeded, it can only be from sod or ‘plugs’ of grass planted. Lo and behold we found out how big our front yard was and how much it would cost to sod. The trees were trimmed to allow more sunlight (there is a reason I call it 7 Oaks here) and sod was put in. Let’s just say my husband says he will not ever look at nice grass again without seeing dollar signs. Please enjoy the view.

New front lawn at 7 Oaks.

New front lawn at Seven Oaks. Yes, it really is that green right now!

Currently I am in the midst of reorganizing my scrapping and crafting inventory of items and equipment. I have added an open shelving unit to hold some of my things so that they can be more readily available for use. We also added shelving in a closet that had none, and will be much more user friendly! Too many purchases have caused the need to reign in the space things are taking up. Even though I have space that I could fill, I refuse to let my habit take over available empty rooms. They are meant to be available for friends and family, not be completely filled to the brim by craft supplies.

Enough about me and my summer. What has been your favorite part of this summer?

Hello September 2017!

september sunflowersIt is hard to believe that summer is winding down. Many of you have children who have already headed back to school, and others will start back after Labor Day weekend. How did the summer fly by? At our house it has included some very special family members moving in with us! My oldest daughter, her daughter, and my granddaughter’s new baby all moved in with us during the summer. You never know what kind of a curve ball life is going to throw your way, and life can sure be interesting. So, during this phase of their move to Texas, we are fortunate to have a place in our home to make it all work!

Having a new little one in our family has been a reminder of making sure we have a great plan in place to keep our photos safe. Do you have a plan in place? I have alway worked to make sure that my photos are backed up in several places, and urge others to do so, too. Now I have a great way to help you do that, too! FOREVER is a company devoted to helping people keep their most precious photos safe. I will be telling you more about what FOREVER has to offer, and how to use it. Besides saving photos, I’ll also have a great way to offer you digital scrapbooking again! Lots of fun info will be coming soon!

Also, I’ll be announcing new CTMH Scrapbook Club kits this next week.

For now, I just wanted to pop in and say “Hello” and wish you a happy holiday weekend.

For many of those in Texas, who are suffering from the effects of Hurricane Harvey, our thoughts and prayers go out to them, and many of us are working in relief efforts in ways we can. Please consider donating to reputable charities to help. If you are in Texas, please check out volunteer opportunities!

Until next time,


Baby Shower Adventure

I know you are not going to believe it, but I’m going to be a great-grandma. Although I was invited to the baby shower, my daughter and granddaughter never expected I would travel from Texas to Minnesota just to come for the shower. But I did it anyway! When they found out I was coming, they were so excited. Who wouldn’t be, right?  The problem with being crafty is the fact that your family can put you to work. Right away, they gave me a list of things they wanted to know if I could help with, hoping I had some crafty way to make quick work of what they wanted done. Of course I said I would help! They wanted special corsages for the grandmothers and aunties, and I even figured out a way to make those and bring them. In the end, my carry-on bag for the plane was basically a shower-in-a-suitcase.

shower in a suitcase


One of the requests was to make a diaper cake – but not the usual cake. It was to be a tricycle “cake.”  Thank goodness for YouTube and all the wonderful people who share how-to videos!  I put this item together to make sure it was right, and then I partially disassembled it so it would fit in the suitcase. With minimal effort I put it back together on arrival.

Diaper tricycle, complete with baby elephant to complete the theme

Diaper tricycle, complete with baby elephant to complete the theme.

artful adventure baby shower kristie sloan diaper tricycle back

Back view of diaper tricycle.


I was asked to make some signage for various things going on at the party. Thanks to a great brush font I found online, I was able to pull off a hand lettered look. And thanks to my Cricut die cut machine, I was able to find all kinds of things to for the elephant theme.

The elephant on the tricycle was set on the gift table with this sign.

Gift table sign

Gift table sign


Advice for the mommy-to-be is always a good thing. These cards also included guest’s predictions on the actual birth day, the babies weight and length.

Advice to the mommy-to-be, including some fun guessing on birth day, time and baby's weight

Advice to the mommy-to-be, including some fun guessing on birth day, time and baby’s weight.

This was a fun game — trying to guess the size of the mommy-to-be’s waist.  Believe it or not, there were two people who were so close, and one was almost exactly right!  Most guesses were off by about 8 inches or more!

Guess mommy's waist size

Guess mommy’s waist size!


Shhh, don’t tell anyone, this is probably not proper etiquette, but sure will be a time saver!

self address thank you

Self addressing the envelopes for thank you notes can be a big help.


Baby info to answer the questions that are asked over and over.

basic info

The basic info

Mommy-to-be got a special large corsage in the form of a maternity belly sash. When I started researching this, I found that many of these are made and used for pregnancy photo shoots, and then the flowery sash is used for a newborn photo shoot! Great multi-use item.  By the way, I watched 30 minutes of a video in Spanish to figure out how to structure the support on the back of one of these large corsages!

Maternity belly sash

Maternity Belly Sash, as asked for!


What party would be complete without some type of photo booth fun? I was such a proud crafty mom/grandma to see they had made this.

Photo booth decor

Photo booth decor.


They were also proud of this Pinterest win, and who wouldn’t be? Isn’t this the cutest thing ever — a baby buggy watermelon fruit bowl!

Baby buggy watermelon fruit salad

Baby buggy watermelon fruit salad.


For a little party favor, the elephant theme was continued.

Thanks for coming party animals!

Thanks for coming, party animals!


Party treats for elephant themed baby shower

Party treats for elephant themed baby shower.


We had a lot of fun, and I was glad I got to attend! Nothing is better than family. Love them!


Nothing is better than family!

Hope you enjoyed a recap of an Artful Adventure baby shower!

Cheers to YOUR Artful Adventures,


Christmas Crafts Take Over The House!

7 days until christmasIt is only one week until Christmas! It has been a whirl of craftiness in my home. My husband recently noted than my crafting had begun to creep from my craft room to the dining room table, to the kitchen counter, to the kitchen island, and now it has crept into another nook that has become a sewing/ironing area. I simply told him I am trying to get full use of our home. Those places didn’t even include the place I took over while making cards in the family room, while watching Hallmark channel Christmas movies. Thank goodness he has his own man cave, and really doesn’t care how much room I am using. He is simply happy that I’m USING products and tools.

There is still a lot to do, but I am enjoying the journey. I appreciate some of my crafty friends, and their love of creating decor as well as gifts! Thank goodness for the internet and the ability to connect with so many crafters! The one problem with that, is the fact that we have the opportunity to come across more ideas than we can ever execute. Yet when we have a number of ideas floating in our sub-conscience, there is no end to the new ideas we might come up with!

daughter in candy cane apron

Proud daughter in candy cane apron.

I decided to make some holiday aprons to have on hand when all the family arrives. I’m sure we will have to eat and will be in the kitchen. I recently bought a new sewing machine, and decided that some aprons would be just the thing to start with the get the feel of the new machine. After years of not sewing anything for my kids, because it just wasn’t cool to have anything homemade, you can image my surprise when my youngest daughter expressed how happy she was with “her” apron! I almost fell over! This was a photo she wanted me to take and she shared on social media. I can’t begin to tell you how wonderful it was to have one of my kids actually appreciate something I sewed. I guess that is just another difference in having adult children!

Cheers to YOUR Artful Adventures!