Creative Goals

Creative Goals

It seems like every New Year’s day we tend to come up with things we want to do for the upcoming year.  It doesn’t have to be anything specific, it can be anything that is important to YOU!

creative goals for 2018
What will you make a creative priority this year?

What creative plans, goals or projects do you for 2018?

Maybe you want to continue doing something you love. Perhaps you want to delve in and learn something new. Whatever you decide, I wish you the most amazing creative year!

In February, I will once again attempt to create a scrapbook page each day of the month, during the LayOut a Day (LOAD) challenge. Even if I fall short, I will have completed more pages than if I didn’t even try!  If you want to join in, you can find information here:   LOAD218   If you just want to join in, you can do that without being a member of ScrapHappy, but it IS included in a membership.

Rag quilt for great-grandson.
Rag quilt for great-grandson.

Something else I want to tackle this year is a quilt. Last year, I completed a simple “rag quilt” for my oldest granddaughter to have for my great-grandson. I made it larger than a baby blanket so it could be cuddly for both mommy and baby. This year I would like to try a different kind of quilt. I know there are a variety of quilt-as-you-go ideas, and that’s what I want to do.  If you have any ideas to share about that, please let me know!

That is just the tip of the iceberg for my creative plans for the year. I want you to know that I am still here, and will be updating the site with much more regularity. You can plan to see crafty projects, as well as scrapbook ideas.

What kinds of creative plans do you have for this year? Don’t be shy, let us know!

Cheers to YOUR Artful Adventures,