Live Your Life On Purpose Scrapinar

Live Your Life On Purpose Scrapinar

Oh my goodness!  I almost forgot to invite you!

It’s a new year, and you may have a lot of goals that you’re not sure how you are going to accomplish!  Obviously, a lot depends on your everyday strategy and how you plan your life, even on a day-to-day basis.  Lain Ehmann from Layout A Day is hosting a “scrapinar” Monday, January 7th, with guest Crystal Wilkerson, creator of “The Life Planner.”

Lain and Crystal will share their tips on planning your year and ideas for staying right on track!  Lain’s scrapinars have a heaping dose of fun and happiness sprinkled in on top of all the great tips and ideas shared!

Be sure and sign up, because even if you can’t make it during that time, the event will be recorded and still accessible for free for a period of time.  I hope to see you there!  Let me know if you plan to come!  I can ALWAYS use tips for staying on track of my life plan!  I always figure if I even learn one thing, it can be well worth the time I attended!   How about you?

Click Here for More Info!