Monthly Art Journal Diary Page – March

Monthly Art Journal Diary Page – March

Some of you may remember the pages we did for a monthly calendar, using a cross between art journaling and scrapbooking. Here was last year’s March layout. This year, I am doing something a little different. I have been participating in Joanne Sharpe’s wonderful online class, Draw Your Awesome Year. We are each working on a journal, and each month we are creating an artful layout to use in documenting little bits about each day.

This is great for me, because I don’t typically journal every day; at least not a full page. That’s why just a snippet of info is a great way to keep a bit of info so that I can look back and remember the year.

March daily calendar art journal.

This particular spread’s design was created with Inktense pencils and a water brush. Isn’t it great how you can create something by only coloring in the negative space? I love these pencils because they are so vivid and not too messy!  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not opposed to being messy!

I pulled out my greens and just went to work. Not a great idea! I should have looked at my color swatches and realized that “Leaf Green” has a brown tone in it! Yes, I dove in right around the title of my page, and it was hard to get that color toned down. I tried to pull it into other areas of the page, but the top of the right page has a little too much more my taste. The background and design are done, and for me, it’s time to move on!

Do you often find that you spend a great deal of time trying to “fix” something you didn’t plan on happening in your art or crafting? Share your stories so I don’t feel like I am all alone!