Scrapbook Club

What have you done with the photos you have taken over the past several months? cameraWhy not save your photos where you can see them and share them?

If you are like the majority of people, they are digital images and are living on your camera’s memory card, the cameral roll in your phone, or they have been transferred to live on your computer. If that’s exactly where your images are, are you getting a chance to view them and enjoy them; or share them with others? Even share them with those who are in the photos? If, ‘Yes,’ then I bow and applaud your actions!

If not, I would like to invite you to join me in taking care of our massive digital photo messes and getting some memories onto pages we can view and share!

Scrapbook Club is being re-vamped and will be announced on the blog!

Cheers to YOUR Artful Adventures,