Scrapbooking with Your Elephant

Scrapbooking with Your Elephant

Do you struggle finding time to create pages?  Perhaps you don’t really have a space where you can leave out all your supplies, and you know that by the time you drag everything out and get ready, there would be no time to get anything else done and  you would have to put it all away!  When it seems you never have time to create a page, that’s when you know you have an elephant.  Yes, an elephant!  There’s an age old question, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is, “One bite at a a time!”  Your elephant is scrapbooking, and even though you aren’t going to eat it, you still need to know how to delve in; and that’s one step at a time!

Step 8:  Break your scrapbooking into segments. 

There is no rule that says you have complete a page all at once!    Whether you use an archival quality project sleeve or a 2 gallon ziplock bag, you can grab what you need and have it ready for the final step.  Keep the essential adhesives, scissors, paper trimmer, etc. together and you’ll be ready to grab your things and finish your page.  If you are a digital scrapper, this will still work for you!

  • Select your photos.
  • Decide on a layout.
  • Select your paper and embellishments.
  • Create your page!
In essence, you are creating your own kit, complete with photos!  It is amazing how much you can accomplish when you are prepared!
photo credit: Creative Commons, rollontravel