Turn a Printable Download into Gift Wrap

printable download small gift wrapThis week we have been on a tour of ways to use or jazz up a printable digital download.  Today I’ve got a quick idea for a bit of gift wrap for a very small gift!  Print out a printable and ta-dah! you have a little piece of gift wrap.  Now, if you are thinking, ‘Why on earth would I do that?’ consider this.

Have you ever had someone give you a little unexpected gift?  Maybe it really wasn’t expensive, but it just made you feel good to know they had been thinking about you, right?  Okay, and isn’t it always nice to have a gift that is wrapped — as if it was actually planned?  Maybe you don’t agree, but that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!  Well, you may be like a lot of people and not have a fully appointed and just for wrapping area of your home.  Little gifts don’t need a whole roll of paper, and why not just print something from your printer? You may have a big roll of green, shamrock, March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day holiday related gift wrap, but I did not.

printable download gift wrap

Small project, small group of supplies!

Here is just a little gift and I went ahead and used the same Lucky printable I used earlier this week.  I like the fact that it has a limited color palette, and uses the subway art look that is popular.  I would normally select a much smaller print for a small gift, but I kind of liked the fact that it was more about the lettering and fonts than it was about the words.  If you’re wondering, the gift has nothing to do with the holiday, it was just a cute paper that was seasonally related!  Added bonus, a sheet of paper coming out of my printer was a lot easier to deal with than a big roll of wrapping paper!

top printable download gift wrapped

A peek of the top of the little gift.

One thing you may want to note, is the fact that your regular white printer paper is usually VERY white!  Notice that the ribbon, which looks white on anything else I’ve ever used it on, appears a little more cream color against the stark white.  That’s OKAY, I’m only pointing it out so you don’t write to me and let me know it doesn’t really “match” well.

Next time you have a small gift, think about printing a wee bit of gift wrap from your printer, and try out using a printable download, ready to go!

Please join me on next week’s Artful Adventures as we explore some watercolor techniques using markers and ink pads!  Until then,

Cheers to YOUR creativity!
