Dress was embossed before cutting heart.
You can make this cute couple with either a heart punch or die cut!
The black heart for the man’s jacket has been cut partially down the center and then folded out from the center to make lapels. A white heart makes his shirt, and a ribbon with a knot at one edge makes a tie. A dot of Crystal Effects makes his button. (As I am writing this and looking at this photo, I see that I didn’t get his tie on right! It will actually look neater if you get it on with the snipped off part turned on the bottom!)
To give the dress some texture, the paper was embossed before the heart was cut. A little ink sponged over the embossing gives it more dimension. It was also cut deeper in the center to give it more of a plunging neck line. Rhinestones were set around the edge for more sparkle. Her body was made from a light pink paper heart, with a little ink to give some depth to her body.
The hearts for this couple were cut from a set of Framelits, as I wanted them larger to go on a scrapbook page.