How to Create a Scrapbook Layout without a Photo

I was reminded of a story I had not thought about in a very long time, by a prompt from this month’s LOAD (Layout a Day) challenge from the online Scrap Happy group. That is not an uncommon thing to happen, but for this story I really didn’t have anything that I felt would work. In the time before digital photography and cell phone cameras, there are many stories that we may remember, but don’t have even a single photo. So what do you do? Let me look into my crystal ball and tell you.

Crystal ball potential!

Crystal ball potential!

You might use a search and find an image you could use, by just using a screen shot, and cropping it as needed. Yes, there may or may not be legal implications, but all I am doing is putting it on a scrapbook page. Now, I draw the line at finding a scrapbook kit and doing a screen shot, or any other digital art meant to be used as such. Digital designers depend on our business, and in my opinion that is just stealing out of their pockets.On the other hand, I feel differently about using an image that nobody is trying to sell. This story was about my dad making a “crystal” ball from a light fixture. I thought I would use a photo of that type of light and doctor it up. I did find the exact type of light I was looking for on one of the big home improvement store’s site.  I decided to google to find a small digital kit I could download, and found several. I chose to purchase one from Amy Joy Studios, an Etsy seller, which gives me full rights to print and use, or just use on my digi scrapbook page. The main image on this page was from the kit.

The story of a humble light fixture becoming a crystal ball.

The story of a humble light fixture becoming a crystal ball.


In the end, I only used the one image for my page. The real treasure to me is the memory and preserving the story. Adding some fun elements to page is a plus. Even if all I did was write the story down, it is a memory saved. Don’t let a non existent photo keep you from telling a story.

Cheers to YOUR Photo Adventures,


Capturing The Love of a Photo

What do you do with a photo that just makes you smile every time you see it? Well since it is Layout A Day with the Scrap Happy group, of course my first thought is to make a scrapbook page! Plus, I was lucky enough to have two photos for my page. I didn’t do a lot of journaling, but enough that it would be meaningful in the future.

Kiss Kiss Smooch Smooch

Kiss Kiss Smooch Smooch


I love how readily this little guy give hugs and kisses. You have to enjoy these moments while you can, and capture them, because sometimes the tide turns and they don’t want to do anything! It is always wonderful to have captured a moment in a photo, but don’t forget to do something with your photos to enjoy them! Capture the love of your photos by printing them and displaying them!

Cheers to YOU Photo Adventures!


Scrap Happy Layout A Day 219

What is Layout A Day, also known as LOAD? It is a month long project with the Scrap Happy online group! Before I scare you away with the goal of the month, I have to tell you how much fun we have! Everybody needs to find their tribe, and if you like to take photos and create even more lasting memories, then is for you! At least twice a year, we have a month long event where we strive to create one scrapbook page each day. Sometimes during the events I have been successful, sometimes not. However, no matter how many pages I complete, they are additional pages to add to our family’s memories!

It doesn’t matter whether you create paper pages, digital, or hybrid. I most often create digital pages, because I don’t have to even print out the photos first! Lazy? Maybe.

This month’s theme is Ruby Red Scissors, and is a play on a Wizard of Oz theme. Each day we receive a prompt (which you can use or not) to go with the theme. It is amazing how many stories you can remember by just receiving a  prompt!

The current LOAD also coincided with a Pixels 2 Pages virtual crop. Pixels 2 Pages provides training to use Artisan 5.  I have been learning Forever’s Artisan 5 digital software, and received so many tricks during the event. You have to have guessed I would use pages from the virtual crop for pages during the same days of LOAD!  Here was a quick page I altered a bit.

Later, I will take my digital pages, and print them. I haven’t quite decided if I will print out individual pages and put in albums I have, or if I will drop them into pages of a FOREVER photo book to have printed.  Oh the decisions!

Here was a quick page I received from the P2P crop. It only took a few minutes to personalize and complete.

Quick pages and templates can speed your work along

Quick pages and templates can speed your work along!


If you like to save memories on pages, which do you prefer: paper, digital, hybrid, or photobooks?

Cheers to your Adventures!


the Big Fall Photo Cleanup!

the big fall photo cleanup

We are working on beginning to clean up our digital photos, in 15 minute increments of time this month! Don’t keep putting it off, thinking you will do it later. It is never too late to start! I’ve created a FaceBook Group where there will be prompts to help get you started. Some people will be using FOREVER, and others will not. Either way, I would love to help you get started! Invite a friend to join you!

Once your photos are organized and you can find your favorites, it makes it so easy to use them to create something! I hope you will join us.

If you want to find out more about by using a free 2 GB account, You can watch the first 5 minutes of this video to help you get started. Getting Started with Free 2GB

Cheers to YOUR Artful Adventures,



Baby’s First Year Mini Album

Here is a quick peek at the mini-album I made for my great-grandson’s first year.
It was from a project kit by Pine Cone Press Design, which I picked up at one of the scrapbook shows last year. If you like the binder, you can order it from them. It is called a “curved back spine album.” (I am not affiliated with them, I just like the way this cover turned out! Please note that their website is mis-stated in the video, as that was from printed information from them. I double checked and found an updated website, which is the link above.)  The video is below.

First Year Baby Mini Album

First Year Baby Mini Album

I have been working in my FOREVER account and adding my digital photos there, and love the way I can find what I need. I have even been creating some fast photo books and printing them with FOREVER Print. However, I still love creating paper projects! So I hope you enjoy this quick look at this little album.

Also, you can find out more about the Perfect Paints I mention at this link. (Again, not affiliated.)

Cheers to YOUR Artful Adventures!