Threads That Bind

I have used various kinds of fibers to bind loose pages together from time to time, without a lot of thought other than whether it looked nice.  However, I recently wondered why the preferred fiber is a waxed linen thread.  Why linen, and why wax it?  Well, I searched online and thought I’d share what I learned!  Unbleached linen is both strong and has a long life.  The waxing is done to keep it from tangling and being able to grip it firmly to make any knots.  It wasn’t rocket science, but it was interesting.

Whether you like to creating photobooks, scrapbooks, or journals of all types, at some time you may want to pull some pages together to make something unique, or simple put together some loose pages. I recently ran across a great online resource for making all kinds of booklets, Making Mini Scrapbooks, Instructions and Inspirations.

I’m working on something now that will soon need to be bound together, and I’ll show the end result upon completion.  Until then, here is the front cover: