May Layout A Day – Day 7

Today’s layout was suppose to be done within 30 minutes.  I saw one of my Quick Pages that had come with a digital kit, and decided to use it for the layout inspiration.  I had to do it from scratch because it needed rotated and rearranged.  But I thought it would be pretty quick, because I knew most of what I needed to select!  All I wanted to use was one picture and a conversation between my 5 year old granddaughter and her aunt, my oldest daughter.  Things were going well and I was finished.  I have been doing so many pages and hadn’t restarted my computer in who knows when, and it hung up when I was trying to downsize the file so it would work well on the web.  I finally decided to just restart my computer.

When I tried to open my page, it was only the first layer – a plain white background I had saved with the file name!  Well, there went my 30 minutes down the drain!  At least I knew what to do to complete again quickly!  I must add, it must have already been having problems the last time I had saved it.  Oh well!  I still have another memory saved!

Digital Kit: Rule My World by Irene Alexeeva.