Creating a Practically Perfect Planner

make it monday-pink logoEvery new year, people decide they are going to be more organized, be more productive, and reach new goals. Many of us look for the perfect planner/calendar — every year! I think I have had about every size of planner in too many brands to remember. Have I found the perfect planner for myself? Not really. Each one had its merits, but in the end, none of them every really felt like they fit all my needs.

This year, before the new year started, it seemed like there were even more planners than usual! Along with new planner lines, there seemed to be an abundance of ideas on how to use them, how to decorate them, how to plan better, how to utilize one to better work for your lifestyle. You may be thinking, It’s a planner, how hard can it be? Yet there are those of us who feel like planner failures. I am one.

Why does nothing seem to suit me, or maybe you? It’s because we aren’t the failure, the planners are! Companies design for the masses! They make what they think will benefit the greatest number of people. What may work best for you, may not be right for me, or for my neighbor.

Practically Perfect Planner class with Cara Vincens

I think the most useful idea I ever had for planning, was to use a monthly calendar on our refrigerator. Everyone had their own colored pencil to use for their activities and appointments. At just a glance, I had an immediate and broad view of what my family was doing. As the “director” of the house, it was important to have that view. Other that than, I would use a planner for a short time, and then let if fade into the obscurity of a drawer, or shelf. And how did my refrigerator calendar info transfer to a useful size, it didn’t. So it wasn’t very convenient anywhere except the kitchen!

Is there hope? YES there is hope!

Cara Vincens from the Hooting Pirate

Cara Vincens

My sweet friend, Cara Vincent from the Hooting Pirate, is the mother to six little ones first and foremost, but to keep calm and not lose herself in the day-to-day crazies of being a mother, she is a mixed media artist, turns to scrapbooking, paper crafting and costume design as her escape.  She adores photography, and most times you’ll see those 6 faces that make up her world on her scrapbook pages. She is a planner user from way back. She has tweeked and tweeked planners to find what works for HER life and she has put together a series of lessons to help YOU create your own Practically Perfect Planner!

I have had a chance to go through the class. It truly is amazing to go through the exercises she provides. Who knew some of us needed help figuring out our options, and creating a planner that fits our individual needs? Like most things, it is amazing what some excellent advice and guidance can do. Throw in some Washi tape, and  give it a crafty vibe!

I urge you to let Cara help you with some crafty ideas to create your own planning system!

Practically Perfect Planner class with Cara Vincens

The class starts today, February 9th and runs through March 22nd.

You can find out more HERE.

You may like to listen to Cara discuss the class with another friend of mine, Melissa Shanhun of Digital Scrapbooking HQ, on her podcast.

Chime in with your comments. Do you still need help creating your own ideal planning system?

make it monday-pink logo

This was a little different version of Make It Monday, but you should have come here from Lisa at My Kreative Pursuits, where she shared a “love-ly” project in this week’s #MondayMojo post.

Next up in the Make it Monday blog circle is Beth from Scrapbooking Wondersbringing teaching and crafting together by creating a banner for the classroom.


Cheers to YOUR Artful Adventures,





Wednesday Wonder – Scrapbook Planning

Planning for Fun, planning scrapbook pagesToday is an excellent day to talk about scrapbooking, because I am heading out tomorrow afternoon to go with one of my daughters and some friends to a scrapbook retreat! This will not be quite the pampering event that Kathy and I are accustomed to with another group of friends, because at this location…. we all have to be responsible for a meal! YIKES. Can scrapbooking be fun if we have to cook, too? I’m sure we’ll manage. Thank goodness for things like lasagne that can be made ahead, to take and toss in the oven! Can you guess what I’m taking? wink, wink

My sweet Aussie friend, Melissa Shanhun, from Digital Scrapbooking HQ, has a great guest post about scrapbook planning and scheduling over at the The Daily Digi blog. Even though Melissa teaches digital scrapping, the info she shares in this post is appropriate for any method of scrapbooking.

I have to admit, there have been very few time I have planned a scrapbook.  I mostly create pages from photos that I love, or from prompts I receive at events like the Layout A Day challenge, which begins again, February 1. However, Melissa talks about pages she plans for through the year, and I think that without really thinking about it, many of us create our scrapbook pages like this. We DO have a plan for some pages, in the back of our mind.

It would be silly of me to tell you everything Melissa said in her post about scrapbook planning and scheduling, so run on over and check it out!

You can check out the LOAD215 Challenge here. 

Cheers to YOUR Artful Adventures!


Scrapbooking with Your Elephant

Do you struggle finding time to create pages?  Perhaps you don’t really have a space where you can leave out all your supplies, and you know that by the time you drag everything out and get ready, there would be no time to get anything else done and  you would have to put it all away!  When it seems you never have time to create a page, that’s when you know you have an elephant.  Yes, an elephant!  There’s an age old question, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is, “One bite at a a time!”  Your elephant is scrapbooking, and even though you aren’t going to eat it, you still need to know how to delve in; and that’s one step at a time!

Step 8:  Break your scrapbooking into segments. 

There is no rule that says you have complete a page all at once!    Whether you use an archival quality project sleeve or a 2 gallon ziplock bag, you can grab what you need and have it ready for the final step.  Keep the essential adhesives, scissors, paper trimmer, etc. together and you’ll be ready to grab your things and finish your page.  If you are a digital scrapper, this will still work for you!

  • Select your photos.
  • Decide on a layout.
  • Select your paper and embellishments.
  • Create your page!
In essence, you are creating your own kit, complete with photos!  It is amazing how much you can accomplish when you are prepared!
photo credit: Creative Commons, rollontravel