Couples names are individual digital files to arrange as you like!
Yesterday was Valentines Day, and I really hadn’t planned on sharing this page I made, but in the end, I wish I had shared this information with you sooner! However, it’s not too late, this would be perfect to use for an anniversary or wedding! Here’s the scoop: The couples’ names are each a digital .png file, that can be arranged or sized any way you want to. There are even more of them than I chose to use on mine. Even though I feel bad that I didn’t share it with you in time for you to use it for a Valentine, wouldn’t it be cute to use for an anniversary or wedding? You could easily replace the “You & Me” with the couples name, and add a date! There you go – great personalized gift!
I finally had time last night to put one together, put in a frame and gave my husband for Valentine’s Day. I made a 5×7 (because I thought if he wanted to set around his work space it wouldn’t be too big, PLUS I figured I had a frame I could put it in. (I like to play like I am being eco-friendly, rather than flying by the seat of my pants, and just need to grab what is on hand!)
After getting that done, I decided to use it for today’s scrapbook page for the Layout A Day (LOAD) challenge this month. Why start from scratch when I already had that much done! I added the little doodled looking border, (if you know who this designer is, please let me know!) A “heart punch” photo of the two of us, and some journaling on the side.
Back to the heart punch. Think how cute it would be to take photos that you won’t ever scrap, and just punch some hearts! Or hearts punched for floral, landscape, sky… that could make some interesting hearts to add for embellishing something!
You can grab the digital couples’ names artwork here at the Stampin’Up Store. When you download it be sure to select whether you want to use it with My Digital Studio or other programs.